The crab, identified by a primitive node of coherent memory in your subconscious as Denki, trundles up to the large man with the kanabo and electrocutes him with one of the electric anemones it wields in its claws, utterly stunning him and dropping him to the ground. One of the crab's legs then slams down into the stunned man’s chest, turning the rotund man’s core into a bleeding well of smashed bone and gibs.
Naoki leaps out from behind Denki, who he was using as cover for his approach, and immediately springs into a flying knee that collides with the jaw of the larger bandit with brass knuckles with such a catastrophic boom of shattering teeth that you can feel the sickening crunch reverberate in your heart. The man’s spine severs with the force of the impact as he falls limp to the side.
The bandit with the bow retreated across the bridge with you. You’re still transformed and he’s not looking at you. He says something to you about staying behind him while he knocks another arrow and takes aim at Naoki.
Ne. You send a gout of water slamming into the man’s back, launching his unbraced frame forward to collide into the wooden planks of the bridge, where he skids along with enough force to shatter his nose until he comes to rest in front of Naoki, who cleanly dispatches the man with a lethally brutal kick to the side of his head.
Three down. Four to go.
The older woman with the scar on her face loses her nerve and leaps into the river, the only possible route of escape that doesn’t bring her near any ninja. Automatically, robotically, you weave the seals for the Water Spikes jutsu. The spot in the river she lands in blooms into nothing more than a cloud of murky blood, a curt shriek of pain and fear quickly silenced as her organs are penetrated and her corpse sinks beneath the current.
Your water clone blasts the old man in the back with a water bullet, knocking him down into the dirt just long enough for Denki to rise over him and smash him with his body. Denki weighs well over a thousand pounds, and the man’s body pops like a smashed grape to continue on as nothing more than a pool of shattered gore in the dirt trail.
The remaining two, the man with the daggers and the teenaged girl with the short sword simply run. They drop their weapons and flee as fast as they possibly can. There was absolutely no hope for them. They both make the decision to cross the bridge, possibly because you’re the least alarming of the dangers present here.
Daggers only makes it a few feet before Naoki launches his prosthetic hand towards the man, its claws erupting through its wooden knuckles just in time to allow you witness those spikes of metal erupt from the front of the man’s throat, dropping him to the ground to gurgle sickeningly as he dies.