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With his time on Mars finished TalOS made his way to Terra. Of all the places to go, the Imperial Palace was where he first touched down. Such a thing was expected in both a praticle and ceremonial way, as he needed to see Malcador to both talk to him and have permission to travel the planet.
When he approached the planet TalOS sent a message through the Noosphere to UZ1. As expected, she was currently on an exhibition deep within the planet of Terra and her expertise was needed to fight off the numerous mutants that still prowled the surface of Terra. The two made plans to meet up, but that required TalOS’s permission to walk the planet from a Sigillite Representative.
In this case TalOS was not to approach a representative, but the man himself.
“Hello there, Uncle.” TalOS called out to Malcador who was attended by a group of custodian guardians.
“TalOS, it has not been too long.” Announced Malcador as he waved the Primarch over, “Come, we have much to talk about now that you are part of the War Council.”
Traveling through the Imperial Palace always did bring a moment of awe to TalOS. It was not a supernatural awe like he would expect from the Emperor, but an awe at what mankind could do.
The Ceiling was as tall as the skies and was made out of the oldest granite one could get from the quarries of Terra. It was thanks to this and oxidation that the Imperial Palace always appeared to be gold when one looked at it from above. Then there were all the Marble and Gold adornments that carried that same elegance across the citadel for all to see the fabulous wealth of the Imperial Seat of Power. Yet it was still human, signs that it was not a god but man who grafted these works and gave them meaning.
“How did your conversation go with your brother?” Asked the Sigillite with a devlish grin upon his face.
“He is what he is, which is an admirable trait.” TalOS declared as they continued their way down the halls.
>The happenings on Xana
>Lanterns of Charon
>State of the Crusade
>Governmental issues.