Rolled 2, 6, 5, 6, 1, 5 = 25 (6d6)
>>6108989>Write home to mum in Reikan, and no peeking if you like your eyes (pick Carousing)>Join the Scarred Spears looking for our supplies. (vs Influence 11 and Logistics 10)>Must 'ave amnesia, they forgot that Oi's 'im.Guards told me gate's closed. Greased the 'inges wivvem. Sold a man an 'eadache once. 'eisted a university by 'iding me rustic charm. Don't remember it all. Gets a bit fuzzy 'round the Crow... the...
... any'ow! 'sno one loik Jove but Jove!
>In another time, I did some high-stakes tinkering. You don't get away with stunts like mine without spare materials and an (occasionally blind) eye for workplace safety.Jove, Striker 2 Sapper 2
RES 10
React 2 Resist 1 Rebuff 1
Sense 1 Authority 2 Cunning 1
Brawn 3 Manipulate 1 Edge 2
Blades 2 Gearwright 1 Unarmed 1 Streetsmarts 2
!Deep Reserves
!Consummate Professional
!Patch Job
[R] Woodbreaker: 2H 1W 1Reach, Crits Cleave
[H] Rikovol Pressed Helmet, 2 Barrier, Fragile
[Tools] 3 bits, Boostgear 3/5 Fuel, 2+2+3 Boost
QuickreteTank Mod
Nugget of Palatine Armour, 3Mag Metallic-Terrene, 1Limit, 2Strain
Vitality 12 Stamina 10 Focus 12
Action 9 Speed 2
Will 10 Health 10 Grit 10 Sense 10 Strength 11 Reputation 2
React 9+1
Lethality 1d6 Threshold 1d6
Uniform, DR 2
Wispcloak, Major to hide, halved move-do penalty
Shortblade, Sharp
Shield [18 HP, 3 DR, +2Def]
A coinbit
2 Bandages, 2 Torches, 2 Bags of Salt
#Thoughts 10
#Influence 11
#Gearwright 12
#Polearm 13
#Carousing 14
!Armored 1
!Through Clenched Teeth 1: When you Recover, always regain at least 1 Stamina
!Of Hopes and Fears