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As you take off over the star lit ocean, the initial up and down bob of Rinstock's wave skipping becomes more steady. Or you get used to it. Either way.
The sheer speed and gentle spray of the ocean is a pretty great feeling. With your RIDERS OUTFIT it all feels pretty natural too. Not bad for a second time.
Everton is along side you, only ahead by a length or so. Between the distance, the thrum of two rinkans and the sheer amount of wind in your ears, communication isn't possible. But you can tell Highball is having a great time, she gives you a quick wave. Everton is pretty business like and focused as a rider, but she still has a broad smile.
<span class="mu-b">"I think I'm just going to get better and better at this."</span>
Rinstock does a swaying little fishtail movement just for fun.
<span class="mu-b">"You don't get motion sick, right?"</span>
A few thoughts occur to her.
<span class="mu-b">"What's our top priority once we get to what's left of the island anyway?"</span>
>a. Check for any stragglers or survivors. Clean up crew.
>b. Check for folding money. There's always a bagman in an op this size.
>c. Valuables. Gems, silk, spices. Hardier stuff with value.
>d. Basic supplies. Restocking our own larder will save us money.
>e. See if any ammo or tech survived.
>f. Real estate is real estate. If enough is intact we have a potential second base.
<span class="mu-b">"What do we do after we're done here?"</span>
>1. I say we drift for a while, head to a new part of the map while the potions brew.
>2. We still have that Hilbosh guy to investigate.
>3. Back to Dunnlivin. Playing it by ear after that.
>4. Probably time we hit the big city.
>5. The Craggs. mo-ney-to-be-made.