>>5130315>What is your deal with the captain of the guard of this town?>How many guards are in on this deal? Who else is in the know of your experiments?>Where are you getting all the werewolf samples from?>What do you know about where all the travelers are being lead to? I heard none of them ever come back. Wait, they were all lead into your lab weren't they.>Tell me everything you know about the goblin that was thrown down the well. What'd you guys do it?>How are you paying the guards to be compliant with you experiments? Who else is helping you?>How many people have you killed? What happens to their belongings?>Tell me where you keep your potent elixirs (healing potions, poisons, bombs. Pretty much anything we can use in or out of fights.) Have Paracelcus confirm the goods>Where do you keep your G O L D ! >Who else are you affiliated with/ Do you have any connections with the dead bandits, any witches, or whoever is making the pig demons?Does Paracelcus, Baits, or the guards have any questions of their own they want to ask the alchemist?