Rolled 14, 3, 20, 14, 5 = 56 (5d20)
>>5480705“The character of my wife? Why should that matter?” Solinsyr asks, when you manage to snatch him away from the many dark elves trying to appease him, and thus to squirm their way into the new King’s inner circle.
“You will need to live with her,” you note.
“Have you SEEN the King-Consort even once before today?” he replies pointedly, nodding towards the ex-queen in question… And the male elf at her side, a handsome but rather demure thing. “Myrymma IS married, you know… But it is a marriage of convenience. He the second son, not head of a household, but even despite this he lives in his own family home. He fathers children, attends functions. He gathers a stipend. He does nothing else of note. THAT is all I require of Princess Jazkarmel.”
“What is your stake in this?” he asks suspiciously. “This is the first that you’ve mentioned any interest in my marriage… How is it relevant?”
Well, you can’t exactly tell him the TRUTH… But luckily, you have no compunction against lying to this ally-of-convenience.
“Do you know why I supported you, King Solinsyr?” you ask.
“…Why?” he asks.
You force a mammal-style smile, and to his credit he doesn’t flinch. His eyebrows do lift in surprise at your explanation, however.
“A vision.”
You spin an elaborate story, claiming (with a kernel of truth) that part of you success derives from your use of divination. However, you embellish this, claiming that the Baleful Beholder revealed to you that an alliance of Solinsyr was written in the stars—that this was his time to ascend. However, the Master of the Insightful eye revealed a darker future as well: that Jazkarmel’s dynasty was doomed to wallow in suffering and darkness in the centuries to come.
“Any bloodline tied to hers is doomed to fall from grace,” you state with the confidence of a natural deceiver. “Marry another elf—my divinations reveal that the head of House Nyrr might be a suitable choice—and your children could still have sparkle with the vividity of your dragonflies… WITHOUT leading, by a cascade of minor happenings which accumulate to calamity, to the death of your people AND mine.”
[Going to call this a Religion roll, normal DC 17 for Solinsyr's skepticism... But with an extra die for Diplomacy, and I'll lower the DC by 2 for the clever write-in and the fact that you DID help him rise to kingship AND recently demonstrate miracles to the public]
In other words, 5d20 DC 15