Quoted By:
>The civilisation gets +10 Health.
>The civilisation gets +10 Security.
>The civilisation gets -5 Productivity.
Drastic measures are required. Many of these densely packed structures that have been so shoddily constructed will have to be brought down. When they are rebuilt, they will be spaced further apart, to create wider avenues. In addition to this reconstruction effort, a basic system of ditches shall be dug into these new thoroughfares, to create a channel where body waste shall be deposited. There, it shall mingle with rainwater and drain out into the Choslitol, where it will flow downstream and towards the sea.
The sisterhood will also be instructed to inform the Croglatovic of the importance of cleanliness – the rancid Drocrom that one's body expels in the form of excrement must disposed of, so that its lingering presence does not taint one's vital energies once more. Finally, the Sharovic are to be given an actual job to do at long last, something of greater importance than guarding the Igladac family. They are to patrol the streets of Ancron and punish those who would steal for the honest merchants that flock to the town.
To begin with, there is some frustration as many inhabitants of Ancron find themselves forced out of their homes, so that this plan may be enacted. Taxes are also hiked to pay for this reconstruction effort, which is the source of some grumbling. However, these wider thoroughfares serve as much better locations for stalls, where traders hawk their wares to passers-by. Combined with the presence of patrolling Sharovic and the marked increase in cleanliness, this makes Ancron a much more profitable and pleasant play to live and work at.
Unfortunately, the act of tearing down half of the town simply only to rebuild it afterwards requires a lot of time, talent, effort, energy and bodies, all of which could have been spent on other projects instead. Additionally, the new building regulations significantly dampen the growth of Ancron. People still flock to the town, but many find it difficult to settle down there when any home that they wish to live in must be built according to these new standards.
Twenty-five years pass.
Tagudil has embraced the Anamilivic lifestyle and proudly carved all sorts of grisly patterns into his own skin, so that all may recognise him as a scion of An and Il. Even as his hair begins to grey, he still considers himself the voice of the masses, an opponent of Sitrunic supremacy. As for Traclan, somehow she remains alive – she's a withered old crone by now, little more than a mass of mauve wrinkles, but she is beloved by the Sitrunic sisterhood and those who heed their wisdom.