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"Umnothingbye!" You run up the stairs, and then you walk up the stairs... then crawl....
Then you hear the door slam open behind you and you start running again, locking the closet door and hiding in your secret base.
You curl up in a ball, the world spinning around you. You have burned all to many calories and you MAAAAAY be having a heart attack (Well you are probbably just really tired).
And for... what? Are you just going to sit in this room hiding forever? Are you hoping the-
You feel the room grow cold. The Runegrious is here.
You stay very still, the lights flickering off as the creature outside creates a clamor, things falling down in the closet... but it doesn't find you...
Slowly the light bulb flickers back on and the room becomes warm and you can finally, finally, breathe again.
-Principal will just FORGET about you? Are you just digging your grave here?
>Yes, you are going to hide here forever. Maybe your pokemon can go scrongue food for you.
>...No... your gonna have to tell a teacher before someone breaks the wall down and just throws you in solitary... at least even longer then you will already be.
>You know what you can do this you are going to esc-
The door swings open, you hear the click of a cane. The Principal smiles down at you.
"Lively girl... But this is a prison dear. You only had so many places to go."
The hag tisks. "Very rude though to make a old lady rush."
>Try not to cry (D100)
>Cry a lot
>Write in