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Obviously, your men were confused about what Landon meant, with Anon asking: "Who is she? Is she a threat? And what do you mean about 'playing along'?!" Landon would raise his gun and point it at you. "ATO-4013. Roraima subject. Mindless enforcer of his. Definitely a high level threat! JUST DO AS I SAY and she may leave us alone!" He said that last comment with gritted teeth, as you could finally see what kind of subject she was. She appeared to be some kind of owl subject, albeit with mechanical parts to her. She confidently walked up to you, her not appearing afraid whatsoever. If anything, she had an eerily emotionless expression as she approached. Running was presumably not an option. Not just because of her ludicrous speed, but also because you knew the medical bay was only a short distance away from you now and you couldn’t just walk all the way back to avoid this subject. Though, maybe she wasn’t even aggressive? She didn’t appear monstrous, combative or even particularly mindless. Then again, Landon did appear to take this quite seriously. The rest of Joaquin’s men didn’t, but they clearly weren’t as familiar with Roraima’s subjects as he was.
>What do you do next?
>Ask Landon what he wanted you to do in detail. He clearly knew who this subject was, so what was his plan to deal with her? (Write in what details you’ll ask for and if you’ll do as he says right away.)
>Just walk over to this subject. She didn’t appear too threatening. Hell, the fact she so casually approached you kinda made you wonder if she just wanted to befriend you. (Write in how you’ll approach her and if you’ll say anything to her.)
>Try running or retreating elsewhere. There were a couple of small offices and broom closets nearby you could run into, where you could either try and hide from her or maybe prepare a surprise attack. (Write in where you’ll run to and what your plan will be.)
>Shoot back at her right away. She was casually approaching you, and you could easily take a shot at her right now. (Write in if you’ll get anyone specific to shoot at her.)
>Try and distract her in some way and then try to either hide from her or attack whilst she was distracted. A smoke-grenade could help quicky, but even stalling her and letting Cortina build up her spores could be a viable strategy. (Write in how you’ll distract her and what you’ll do after.)
>Something else...