>>5905517Image: Stages of a Zora. Upper; Adult Zora, Female and Male
Lower: Zora Child, Zora Tadpoles
(The Race has a Tadpole stage after hatching from soft aquatic eggs, then a Child Stage. The Tadpole stage is equivalent to 6 months of pregnancy + first year after birth for a Human, Legs and Arms are grown around when a human would first learn to walk and begin making talking sounds, and from then on they're considered Children until they mature).
>>5905516>Action 1: Ministry of SettlementThe Abandonment of what had been planned out to be the town of Midinte in the new territories, and the lack of any visible construction work on the chosen site and the absence of any new-dug canals and waterways raises voices of condemnation amongst the citizens of Melaruta, and even leads to the arrest of the project manager and lead architect of the settlement project whilst the matter is closely investigated. Clearly a stronger oversight will be required over any future colonisation projects to ensure that the budgeted work actually takes place. As such, the King of the Zora appoints a well-educated minister of Settlement and Development to give a greater backing and more intelligent use of state resources to future settlement projects.
>Action 2: Song of Truth The Bardic Magic of Song that we learned from the whales is given a first flourish by the Zora bards in the capitol, as they learn a song that will compel those who listen to speak honestly and state clearly, and reveal that which is hidden or obscured by any means. Of course, this also means that we will need to keep to truths ourselves when the music is playing...