>>5319714>>5320045>>5320156>>5320396>>5320673The voices, however, are willing to encourage Cici not to overtax herself and recommend that she get a bit more rest.
“I feel fine, though,” Cici complains. “I don’t even know if I had a coma, an’ I think if we’re late, the others are gonna-”
A pulse runs through Cici’s mind and the school is there, her friends, her teachers, the smell of chalk and scratch of pencils as Ms. Willow utters the dreaded words “Pop Quiz”. Then there are two classrooms, one with her and one without, and one where she remembers her pencils and one where she doesn’t, and one where- The voices politely and firmly close the door on multiverse theory for one day, bringing the girl back to herself.
“Maybe I do need more sleep…” Cici reflects, rubbing at one eye.
“You really do,” Iris agrees, “but don’t worry. I’ll be going, and I’ll let everyone know that you’re fine. Just do hold up your end of the bargain by actually being fine, okay?”
“Besides, I think Vivi’s going to be home early to check on you. Best to be here for her, right?”
In the end, the girls begin heading down the stairs just as Cassandra starts heading up, her expression difficult to read as she swiftly scoops Cici up into her arms.
“Oh, thank the gods!” she whispers, planting several kisses on her daughter’s head in rapid succession. “Are you feeling alright, sweetling?”
“I’m fine, Mama,” Cici insists. “The voices just say I need to get more sleep is all…”
“I’m surprised you’re even awake at this hour considering when we got you to bed last night. That goes for you and all of the girls, but you especially should still be in bed.”
[“How is she this morning?”] Cassandra asks as the hug brings her in contact with the bracer.
> How to answer?> [] No need to stress Cassandra out further. She is fine.> [] Mention that she almost had another attack just now.> [] Other. Write-in.