>What do you do next?>Rush downstairs whilst either yelling for your men to hide right now, or using the radio comms whilst running all over the place. Maybe you could regroup and figure out a plan together? (Write in how you'll try and reach your men and what you'll tell them to do.)>Try and create some kind of distraction for the subject. Maybe you could try and throw a flashbang really far away to try and distract her? (Write in how you'll try and distract her from your current position.)>Shoot her from range to hopefully get a solid enough shot in to get her to go the other direction. If she was sufficiently hurt with one shot, she might just take the hint and piss off. (Write in what you'll aim for.)>Ask Thalia to sing her song to maybe convince the manticore to go elsewhere. It was potentially risky and could make her come over to your current location, but it was potentially worth doing. (Write in if you'll suggest anything to Thalia.)>Something else...(At long last, it's manticore time >:) Also, here is an updated map since one of you asked for it. And related to similar questions... time to answer these (
>>6175617) very important questions!
>Did you create this story just for the quest, or is it material you've previously used on the tabletop?It's actually based on an RP I ran with a friend. He first wrote something like this which went a vastly different direction. I then wrote this setting, which first started with a 'way post-disaster' setting, and then got a side-story focused on this time-period of the facility.
>For that matter, how long did you spend on prepwork creating the subject cast and story beforehand?Keep in mind, I keep making subjects every once in a while. Though I'd say the first... 20-30 subjects were made within a week? Not that long, desu.
>What are Cortina, Thalia, Cirra, KK and Pelly's cup sizes (c'mon, you knew this was coming)?Really making me write this at 2 in the morning when I wanna go to sleep, huh? Fine.
Cortina is A-cup
Thalia is D-cup
Cirra is B-cup
Pelly is A-cup
I think you can see a pattern here...
>Are KK's wings soft and how can I get a nice feathery hug?They are soft. No, you can't give her a hug. She is too busy doing her job for that.
>Was any of the bullshit I made up for spacechan actually close to the mark?It was very fucking close. So close, that I am probably going to just say it's canon lmao.)
(Okaaaay enough shenanigans. Hope the map is useful. Hope the subject incident reports are useful. Hope you boys are ready to deal with the manticore.)