Quoted By:
''I know.'' She glanced up at her uncle, offering him a smile that was notihng more than a mask, the guilt and pain in her soul was completely swallowing her yet... It wasn't showing. Sieglinde is the kind of person to suffer quietly by herself.
''Arawn!'' A girly voice spoke excitedly.
''Vilma!'' It is only the pain shooting up your spine when you take a step forward that stop you from hugging her.
Vilma, your dear, dear lich friend who couldn't accompany to confront Zerase looked healthy and happy. Her purple hooded cloak had been replaced with a beautiful crimson one that made her white hair and purple skin stand out even more. Holding a staff where a brilliant amethyst dwelled on its tip, her second hand kept rubbing her eyes to dry out constantly forming tears. Beside her was Shereen who hugged herself nervously.
''You're feeling some of Hao pain, aren't you?'' Your beloved princess says.
''I'll live. Don't worry about me.'' Concern replaced Vilma expression after you spoke, allowing her to regain some decorum. The girls were trying their best to ignore your lack of arm, but odd glances at your stump made it obvious time alone will dispel that source of sadness.
''Hey! Lordship! Mine-ark!'' A jolt of pain locked you in place as Hao awkwardly called to you. Unfortunately, while the agony quickly subsided for you, Hao gritted her teeth and suffered amongst concerned friends who could only watch helplessly.
Elina, Teruko (with her fairy), the crow lady expert of souls, Deruella, Ama, and Hildegarde were the ones gathered around your excitable knight who, despite the sheer torture that set her nerves on fire, still found the strength to give you a thumb up. It was a pain that emanated out of her soul, wrapping her body in energy that reality itself rejected; her life pulsed with defiant ardor but how long can she keep this up? Hao's boundless enthusiasm will start to erode under that misery, it is inevitable.
''We'll find a way to help you both.'' Vilma grasped her staff to clang it on the ground. ''My nature of death is one piece of the cure, so will yours and with all of Zipangu expert... You only need to keep holding on strong Arawn.''
''We've already figured out a way to give Hao a semi-livable state of living with my blood.'' Shereen continues, tail wagging behind her. The group of women is slowly approaching you, quickly yielding to Hao insistence.
''Thanks.'' It's all you can say, really. So many people have gathered, so many people <span class="mu-s">care</span>. ''Is Anais here? I haven't seen her or Waltier.'' You need to change the subject, or else your emotions will cause more torment.
''She returned to Kreszen with her father.'' Sieglinde answered bluntly. ''She insisted on coming back soon.''
Slowly but surely, you and your allies-nay your little bubble, your family- are turning events to your advantage. Even without you, your friends continue to move forward, you've gotta keep up.