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Volka, you begin, wincing as you rub your still-tender jaw, got any questions for the lady?
“A couple, if that’s alright…” She replies in a softer voice than usual as she shifts her gaze towards your colossal client. Yea, you nod, you’re fine with-oh, she’s talking to <span class="mu-i">her</span>...
Mimut lets out a rumbling sound akin to a despondent sigh. “Yes…”
“Okay… would you like to sit down first? Get comfortable?” The Moleg answers Volka’s question by leading the way back out of the tunnel and into her home before collapsing on what must be either a very small or <span class="mu-i">very</span> warped couch!
“Let’s start with the facts, then:” The Skog begins, kneeling to match Mimut’s height. “When did this all start?”
“Came home last night…” The mother mumbles, “From work… door was open an…” She pauses, her steely gaze trembling for the briefest of moments, “... an they were gone…”
“And where do you work again?” Volka inquires with a raised eyebrow.
“<span class="mu-b">Devil’s Dice…</span>” Mimut replies, “<span class="mu-b">GOLD TOWN…</span> Bouncer.”
“When the bouncer’s away the thieves will play, e-<span class="mu-s">NYAA!</span>”
“Did you notice anything strange when you came home? Anything out of the ordinary?” Continues Volka, maintaining her professional demeanor even as she swats TT with her tail, “Think hard: every detail helps.”
Mimut sits on the couch like a tired glacier. The Skog’s just about to repeat her question when the Moleg’s soft, but gravely voice rings out across the modest home.
“Keep a <span class="mu-r">DOORPLANT</span> next to the entrance. ‘Case of thieves.”
“<span class="mu-i">Sprays spores at people whose blood it hasn’t tasted…</span>” TT groans in your ear as she rises to her feet next to you. “<span class="mu-i">Nasty, but good for security…</span>”
“Is it still around?” Asks Volka as she instinctively covers her face with a claw!
“Dead…” Frowns your client as if she’d just noticed it herself, “An’ <span class="mu-i">frosty</span>.”
“Good, Mimut… that’s very helpful…” The Skog muses with a warm smile! “Anything else?”
“Tunnel was cold…” Grunts the Moleg, her fiery eyes shifting towards the tunnel. “Eggs need to be warm to… to live…” Shaking off another shiver, the ember eyes turn back towards your entourage with renewed determination. “Furniture moved aside…”
“Did the neighbors see or hear anything?” Your Marshall glances back at you with an encouraging nod!
Mimut’s eyes narrow with ire… and a hint of sadness. “... they don’t talk… to me…”