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Before Goggles is even able to lay a hand on that radio, you raise your rifle and take aim. You know a trap when you see one and you aren't about to blindly stumble into it. With a squeeze of the trigger, you put a bullet in the man's skull and send his lifeless body tumbling to the floor. The fierce crack of a gunshot is enough to cause everyone else to leap into action.
Smiles lets go of the door, while Isaiah and Marley release the girls. All three of them reach for the rifles that hang by their slings. Before any of them manage to shoot, you let loose a second shot that strikes the goon's shoulder and sends him staggering. Isaiah fires next, striking Smiles with a burst of bullets. As if that wasn't enough, a shapeshifting Alex launches herself through the air at the poor fucker. By the time that she lands on top of him, she's in her war form and already ripping the guy to shreds.
>Alex spends 1 Rage and 1 Will. Her Rage is currently 2/10 and her Will is currently 6/10.
By the time that Marley opens fire, he's a second too late. If Smiles was still standing there, he would've landed a solid hit. Unfortunately, the Metis is so shocked by the recoil that he forgets to let go of the trigger for a moment. When he finally stops firing, he's wasted over a third of a magazine on a wall. As for Ella, she's crouching by Isaiah's feet with her hands to pressed to her ears, seemingly overwhelmed by the sudden outbreak of gunfire.
>Ella gains 1 Rage. Her Rage is currently 5/10.
>Marley gains 1 Rage. His Rage is currently 5/10.
This serves as a painful reminder that your pack isn't an elite squad of hardened badasses. You're a bunch of teenagers with almost no combat experience, who have been thrown in the deep end and told to sink or swim.
"Everyone, get in!" You have no doubt that all of that gunfire was heard throughout the institute, if not the entire neighbourhood around it. Having sacrificed all subtlety, you've got to move fast. The five of you rush through the open door and down into the garage, where a Hampton & Holt truck is parked. This is probably the vehicle that brought Goggles, Smiles and the rest of their team to the hospital. There's no time to search it for anything of use. Instead, you make your way towards the staircase and elevator found on the far side from the garage door.
You're just grateful that there's a floor directory mounted on the wall beside the stairs.
<span class="mu-i">G: Staff Facilities
-1: Garage & Storage - You Are Here
-2: Patient Rooms 01-08
-3: Patient Rooms 09-16
-4: Patient Rooms 17-24
-5: Enrichment Center</span>
>Go upstairs to the staff facilities first. You've got a lot of questions to ask these assholes, if you don't just open fire on them immediately.
>Go to the patient rooms first. Their safety concerns you first and foremost. Start breaking them out, one by one if you must.
>Go straight down to the enrichment center first. That sounds like the heart of this operation, taking it out is your top priority.