You're going in by <span class="mu-s">VTOL</span> to a landing spot closer to the assumed location of Mox and ARC 2#, right inside the Metroplex perimeter. I've got your IDs as Metroplex MIST operatives - that's Metroplex Intelligence and Strategic Taskforce - so if anyone asks, you're here to protect a high value asset from a novel threat vector. Any Metroplex officers you run into will assume the situation has gone political if MIST gets called in, which will hopefully make them ask a little less questions about what we're doing. Keep your heads on straight and you'll be fine.
So, Agents, final gear check, comms check, get your nets aligned and let's... crack on.
>>6177377Please ensure you have a primary weapon ready, a sword,a skim-drone, and as many armor enhancements as desired above the baseline suit with its anti-stab vest. Though they're a bit bulky in aggregate, so mind your tolerance for difficulty. It'll be easier to navigate some of the terrain in there if you have a low profile, and we will have to make our way to Mox location first.
You'll have a lot of " Oh but I don't want " and your opinion doesn't matter, you get the equipment anyway, because this is a high stakes situation and you will abide by the regulations for field deployments or you will sit this one <span class="mu-s">out</span>. We are not sending people into an active shooter scenario without a longarm, basic ballistic protection and the standardised equipment for dealing with bullet resistant cyboform systems.
You can, however, if you like and want to, try to grab some specialist munitions. That's dependent on your Ballistics training.
>>6177376It's a bit rough and though we don't have time for any long-term installations of new or adjusted implant protocols, you might be able to crash-alter your current implants if you find they're not fine-tuned for the mission.
Which is to say, no new field grades yet, buy you can hot-swap available systems.
Once you're ready, sound off, report in, and let's go save some people.
>Once ready, report in and designate whether you PILOTING [testing relevant secret], PERIMTER SECURITY [Sense and CQC, Ballistics or other] or MESH OVERWATCH [Process, MeshOps, DroneOps or other]. Please test the relevant pool as we are going in... hot.