Quoted By:
He gestures at the cabinet. "Key cards and vending machines. And... oh, dear, security cameras. How do you suppose these enterprising individuals got so far ahead of the curve?"
"Security...?" You think of ghosts and don't know why, until you remember the Namway security room and Guppy and the birthday banner and— well, that's all. Then you woke up in front of a big snake. "They're <span class="mu-i">watching</span> us?"
"Don't get excitable. It's pointed at the vending machine. And at the entrance, unfortunately, since I suspect that's the 'office'... I have no idea what you mean to accomplish with this, but I'd assume you'd rather be in there than out here."
You know they have stationary in an office, on which is probably written many secret and important things. "Well... yes."
"And you don't want our friendly tour guide making a beeline down here? Then you'll have to deal with that—" Richard points at the camera. "—without making a ruckus, unless you want workers coming out to investigate. Yes? Sensible?"
>All options are [Roll]s with optional write-ins for your method. Write-ins will decrease the DC, or obviate the roll entirely if they're especially good.
>[1] You guess so. Break the security camera. (How? Optional.) [Roll.]
>[2] Hold on, won't breaking a security camera tip somebody off anyhow? They may not know it's *you,* if you do it right, but they'll know something's happening in Zone 4. You need a way to sneak into the office without getting caught by the camera at all. (How? Optional.) [Harder roll.]
>[3] No, actually, you do want workers coming out to investigate. And then you can interrogate and/or mug them for their personal belongings, like useful swipey cards. Make as much ruckus as possible. (How? Optional.) [Roll.]
>[4] Write-in.