Seems like a slight majority for
>>5922325>>5922249>>5922218>>5922114>>5922069>The inferior version should be fine then. It won't fool anyone who's job it is to know, but you only need to fool your dad... hopefully he doesn't bother looking into it.Although you'd personally prefer the most authentic forgery you can get, for the peace of mind, you'd rather still not have someone else knowing the truth about you especially a stranger. What, you'd have to just hope he keeps quiet about your superhuman nature? Or that he would do so for a price? You're not opposed to doing work for someone or owing them a favor but what's to stop him from continuing to demand of you after? Maybe if you wanted to become a hero that would be one thing, but you wouldn't count on someone keeping quiet from the authorities once crimes and villainy are involved.
And while it is true that maybe you could find a way to get what you need without explicitly revealing yourself, you feel like anyone with a brain would be able to put two and two together. That you remain vague but insistent about your need and then soon enough there's a new superhuman villain on the scene with the same abilities? Unfortunately it doesn't seem you can have one outcome without the other.
<span class="mu-b">"...yeah, it's for a convention! You know, I want it to seem like... legit, as much as you can make it! Whatever it costs..."</span>
<span class="mu-s">"Well I don't get the need for the paperwork as well, but if that's what you want... you'll have it around this time next week then."</span>
Maybe it isn't perfectly what you wanted, but it's an immense relief to know you've got something to rely on when the time comes. Really this is all just for dad's sake, but then there's not really anyone else you care as much about so it's worth it to you. He may have his reasons for wanting you to register but you're not going to compromise your own life and opportunities by doing so. Plus you're probably doing him a favor anyway, since superhuman nature is known to be genetic and inherited so parents of superhumans fall under scrutiny as well. At least they do by the rumors you've heard.
In any case you can breathe easy, reclining back in the couch after that phone business with Marv. Now there's little to nothing stopping you from devoting your attention full-time to the old supervillainy. Which, speaking of, it's only past four now. Dad will be home in a couple hours, and then it's awhile still before nightfall. Plenty of time for whatever you may need.