>>5697661As you briefly contemplate checking out the contents of the lonesome yearbook, a thought hits you like a runaway boat:
Why was there a <span class="mu-s">FLASH</span> when you fell down just now?
As if reading your thoughts, you hear something shuffle on the deck above! Glancing upwards, you just barely manage to catch a glimpse of <span class="mu-r">RED</span> before it darts away from the edge to the sound of several light and quick footfalls!
Worry settles into your head as your gaze shifts between the stairs leading up to the next deck and your <span class="mu-s">INSULATED PIZZA PACK.</span> You’re pretty sure no one would be able to sneak away with a bright red square backpack big enough to hold a teenager, but there’ll be hell to pay if someone takes a few slices while you’re not looking!
Then again, the ferry isn’t <span class="mu-i">that</span> big-whoever the mysterious flasher was will have a hard time hiding!
… whoops, phrasing. The person who <span class="mu-i">made</span> the flash. Yep, that’s what you meant. Crap, could you imagine if a <span class="mu-i">flasher</span> was on the boat?
Right, chasing down the person! As you rapidly mount the steps to the second deck, your mind wanders back to a weathered old note you saw on the <span class="mu-s">NOTICE BOARD</span> back at the <span class="mu-s">PIZZA PARLOR:</span>
<span class="mu-s">’If you find yourself in a stressful situation, don’t freak out! Just ROLL A 1d100 PLUS ANY BONUSES OR MALUSES THAT APPLY TO IT! The BEST OF 3 ROLLS WINS! Be careful of 1’s or 100’s, though--those can result in either COLOSSAL FAILURES or SUCCESSES! Most importantly, don’t forget that ADDING DETAILS TO YOUR ACTIONS and BEING CREATIVE can only help your roll! Heck, it might even give you BONUS POINTS!~Mgmt.’</span>
You have no clue who the hell put that note there, but it seems oddly important right now…
Anyways, AFTER THEM!
>ROLL ME 1d100+5 (+5 Welcome to the Quest Bonus!) to CATCH THIS CREEP! I’LL TAKE THE BEST OF 3 ROLLS!