Rolled 4, 9, 1 = 14 (3d20)
>>5646787>16The sword meets a wall of fur and feathers, and parts it like water. Saw-like teeth studding the edge chew through skin, fat, flesh, and muscle. Your grit your teeth and flex your muscles, putting every iota of energy you can into this single great cleave. You let loose one more roar of triumph as you break through a wall of bone and nerve tissue, and force the sword through the other side.
You and the humanoids all watch—they in terror, you in satisfaction—as the gryphon’s head tumbles from the sky to the ground below
The three of you are not far behind him.
You exhale your breath, spitting out a stream of blood, and smile. You close your eyes.
[1d20 death roll; +1 to your roll over all from earlier-mentioned Serpent Ascendant’s blessing, +1 again for succeeding in your possibly last great act]
1 to 5: you crash down upon the cobblestones, and are dead6-to-10: you land in the harbour, and must roll not to drown in the sea10-to 15: you crash among the market-stalls and their cloth tents break your fall; you cling to life, in a crowded bazaar16-to-19: you crash in a less-populace area of town, where you will not be immediately captured or exposed20: ???[Remaining dice are to see how Hargrat Deepvein and Sir Chase make out; they are much less likely to survive, requiring a DC 15 to live at all and a 20 to not be permanently crippled]