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Bob shakes off the first probing scouts of the nanocytic countermeasures, though the cost is gruelling. The headaches, shivers and dizziness that washes over everyone is sign of intense warfare happening in a realm beyond the senses.
Grins and Alekson check the terminals but they're no good. PHARAOH seemed to have important messages to convey, but this place is too overgrown and Osiris destroyed all the functional uplinks. You'll have to find some other way to communicate with the MESH systems.
Sgt Grone flicks his new knife through the air, triumphant.
A small pack of Ripthings roll down the ladder with remarkable grace and follow the trail of COME HERE chemicals that Acolyte has left, though, to their despair, all they find is 21% of Acolyte's body in the form of a severed arm and most of her upper torso in a pile of chemicals that indicate intense horror. Following the COME HERE trail further into the undergrowth, an unseen murderous striker lunghes from the dark and a Ripthing disappears in a sudden blur of movement.
The other three stop short and flick their fangs at the world. This place does reek of INTENSE DANGER.
Wilder concentrates and focuses and almost loses his concenration when a powerful urge to do the worm comes over them, but preservering, a small glob of crystaline ice gradually accumulates in front of their hands. Pure, clean and cold. What a wonder.
>WAKING PHASE, that's you lot!