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(Sgt?) Grone shouts and hollers and pushes people around, organising a work-crew of Woodsies. They fear the fire and the smoke, it being lethal to their kind, but they fear abandoning their allies more and extend branchs and leaves to pluck the smoke-tinged subjects that push through the little tunnel. They don't have the strength of others, but with enough willing hands, it amounts to something - and the mop that Sundae uses as an improvised extraction device gives the all something to pull on. Everett, careful with the armb-blade, can shove from the other end and one by one people can almost make it through - except for Petri, who has long since expired, and Bulwark, who is likely to die, and Faust, who-- no, wait, shouting, cursing, as attempts to muster psionic focus fails against the encroaching fire, he scuttles and scampers and pushes through the debris and out the other hand, gasping for air not cursed by smoke and fire. Some of the Woodsie pull them to the back of the line. Raven concentrates and uses the last of their failing reserves to buckle some of the ground plating, throwing up a momentary guard against the encroaching fire.
<span class="mu-s">It looks as if</span> a somewhat viable escape path has managed to be found, though it's still an awkward, difficult traversal made no less easy by the smoke and the fire. If you have no other thing you intend to do, you can ESCAPE with a standard 6 AP, and that should account for any difficulties.
Anyone who can do so will evacuate, but there are those that seem unlikely to be able to extract themselves. It might be possible to chance it, but do remember that human bodies aren't exactly easy to maneveur around with, they do actually have mass and weight and bulk and all those things. If you're dragging a semi incapacitated person, your speed is halved - so all movements costs are doubled.
At the back of the carriage, Hibiscus spots something off in the distance, coming closer at speed. It'll come into proper view at the end of this turn and arrive at the one after that . . .
( Though this particular turn is apt to be quick )