The lead arrow that shivs you snaps with a momentary hiss and, just as the Oggy fuck knees you off him, explodes where it stabbt.
You're flat on the ground, seeing eights and bleeding. The back plate of your armor's split, leaving half of the front droopy.
>lukky itz juzt wun arrar wot trigged>muvvafugg>CRITT -10 -10> -4Dur -4HP>Toady 2Dur 9+2HPWhen you get up again the Oggy cunt's made distance, bow up and aimed.
His smirk has widened, steady. He extends the forefinger bracing his bow to beckon you. You don't know what he finna do, but you're CERTAIN it's bullshit.
<span class="mu-s">[DUEL]</span>
Toady needs one turn to close on the Oggy, and Moar Oww needs 2.
Toady has 1 Smol Helff Pott in his tuckeroos; 8HP restore; if it breaks, restores just 4HP.
>Close, then attack Defensive>Close, then attack Offensive>Switch targets: Wolfy-Stingy only. You may suffer kiting from Oggy>Pure defense, regen 3 turns, wait for Moar Oww to close first>Sumn from Pouchy (lose one moar trump card; write in)>Else? (write in)[R O L L]
>7D100>1 for switching targets>>6136165>>6136000>>6135952>>6135845>>6135422>>6135729