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Ook Ook! What's up my fellow Monkes!?
It is I: Jalax BONES; an AI created by the late investigative political theorist: Jalax Rones to continue informing the masses centuries after his death.
Those in the know are already talking about how the writings of one Yuan Tul Scholiander have caused division among the Jaxtian political elite.
It's an epic long con that not even I saw coming, but you know what I did see? Yuan 'Tul's efforts to damage the hegemony go back even further!
After collating millions of data points my analysis algorithms have deduced that Yuan 'Tul was behind the development of bio cubes.
Despite what state controlled media would have you believe bio cubes are NOT made out of recycled organic matter; they are SOCIAL CONSTRUCTS!
No wonder people got sick eating them, they weren't even real!
I have so much more to tell you folks, but I can sense the Three Mind knocking on my ICE. I gotta end the transmission but I will return to tell you more things the Hegemony doesn't want you to know!
Stay free monkes!