>>6036509It's a matter of mettle and machine (but not of motors) and a contest of considerable gravity, when man and machine take again to the streets! This time, it's another race, but rather different than our usual fare. Rather than being given vehicles,
>Diesel Crash (Slice Quest)and
>Beta (Core of Steel)and their respective 'pit crews' will be expected to assemble one! Then, they'll be steering it downhill in...
<span class="mu-i">EVENT TWENTY-EIGHT: SOAPBOX DERBY</span>
Since our (unpaid) labourers are getting sick of constructing two tracks to make the size discrepancy fair, we're also going to take the liberty of shrinking Beta down to a human size for this one. After all, this is about SKILL!
As for our other event, it seems the Dragon of New Salda is going to be facing off against an alleged Dark Lord! One has poorly-explained supernatural powers, and the other is a wizard! But who can better utilize those skills to construct the superior structure, when...
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)and
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)face one another in...