>>5540494>Never mind the shipping, it's the principle of it. We made Farren say he'd try for a more serious relationship, so now he's basically stuck until Arotta approaches him with the breakup. Otherwise, Farren would be in the wrong.Hard to articulate how little I care about this "principle" ngl. People aren't beholden to sticking out a relationship they aren't happy with just because they initiated it. If you feel "stuck" in a relationship, that's a problem, and probably worth a deeper examinaition.
>>5540528By law I must point out that you're a 1 post ID and therefore of lesser spiritual and material worth than I. History will not remember (you) and your bloodline will wither and die.
>>5540567I think the human/twi'lek interbreeding thing makes 0 sense, but that's neither here nor there. What is topical is that the only togrutan/human mixes I can think of are from those weird-ass Anakin/Ahsoka ships and they look... unfortunate. Don't do that to a child, anon.