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For the following hours, things after calm; it would be a few hour until your council could gather for a meeting on this upcoming war.
You however, do not rest, not when there is so much to do. You already remain in the council room, going over papers and ledgers, maps and records, attempting to locate yourself in this sudden hailstorm you have been thrown into. Your only stop is when, during the afternoon, Joan arrived with a plate of garlic and shrimp soup, chiding you for skipping lunch, threatening to tell your mother you had done so if you did not eat. You reluctantly complied.
By the time the council had at last gathered, it was already well into the afternoon, the sky taking on a yellow tint through the rainy clouds of your alabaster beaches. There were four people present: you, the Viscount, August, the Chamberlain, Hugues Renard, the Captain of the Guard and Garaçia de Planta, your Minister of Diplomacy. You were the first to speak.
"My loyal vassals; as you know well by now, we are in a most unique situation. His highness, Don Prince Carles, has called me forth to raise an army in his name and accompany him in a campaign to Straccia."
They nod.
"This is not a call i can refuse, as you might expect; yet you also know me to not have experience in such arts. My military education consists only of the bare minimum. And so...I must ask for your advice."
"If i may, meu seynor." says Hugues as he steps forth. Hugues was first hired by your father, when he was still alive, a few years ago. Although a citizen of Mirevale, it is clear, by his look and accent, that his cultural ties lay with the Montcher people of the Lily Coast.
"Although not a leader of an army myself; in my career in a mercenary company I often dealt with the recruiting and training of soldiers. I will share with you whatever I can of this experience in these following months; but first and foremost, there is one first decision we must do."