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2039-03-05: Eager to avert the disasters that befell Illinois, New York, and most recently and especially Virginia, the Pennsylvanian legislature passes a law that amicably and lays out extremely clearly the desires of the residents of the state, specifically that that, per a recent promulgation from the mayor of Philadelphia, that that city will leave the state to be annexed by New Jersey, while the remainder of the state will join in with the New England Compact. Perhaps because this is indeed the will of the state’s residents, and perhaps out of the desire of everyone to avoid bloodshed, this plan is actually implemented entirely orderly and peacefully.
2039-04-18: What’s left of the Canadian parliament unanimously passes a law that will serve as the foundation of an amicable division of the remaining provinces and territories. In it, all involved pledge to uphold the mutual dignity and respect of one another while maintaining full economic, diplomatic, and military cooperation while recognizing the necessity of self-governance.
2039-05-18: After consultation with residents, the British Columbian government reaches an agreement to split the province between Cascadia and the prairie states in contravention of the agreement reached one month earlier.
2039-06-18: Another month later, British Columbia leaves Canada with the Vancouver area being annexed by Cascadia the same day.