>>5988178I think the Kossacs are their matching equivalent of the Kurgan Cataphracts.
I'd suggest that you move the horse archers at the back five hexes west if we're going to engage the Kislevites here, they might be able to move in and tip a balance somewhere next turn.
Don't forget that the Streltsy have two HP, they can move next to your wounded horse archers and tank one damage to kill them off in return if there's nothing else adjacent (so the top one could hit the horse archers next to the mountains, then the one below could take a spot with one adjacency and kill the other. You only need to inflict one HP damage with the horse archers to kill a militia, so you might want to consider sacrificing one of your wounded Horse archers into the closest Streltsy to allow another to make a kill against it; this would then allow you to launch a bit of a hit-and-run raid with the closer horse archers against the next militia in line. It's not much of a difference, but it means that we kill a Streltsy + another militia this phase, and they therefore won't be able to inflict quite as much damage against us when they move in the next.
Anyway, image attached is of my proposed movements + suggested amendment to your own that still gets you roughly back into your same end-state of the turn you posted (-1 dead horsemen), but it's your call, and you might want to make further movement adjustments as well.