>>6129250The bad news is, the sky is overcast (9+7). And it will be generally dark.
Inside the house you're using to stage the loot convoy, you've set all the loot in the garage. The garage door, you chose this house because it still had a door, has a working lock. Not much, but enough to deter someone for a few minutes. Enough to make a looter go in through a window.
You look through your gear, (2) tucked into your pack
>hatchet>folding shovel>nighstick>some fishingline>a can of ravioli>a map of the area to the west>a handful off 22Lr ammunition>a purse with women's sanitary products, a local ID and a set of house keys>a cigarette lighter>towel>extra socks>shoes>a shirt>a belt [I'm figuring like a duty belt, or tool belt, something to keep weapons holstered, so you won't drop them on a calamity roll when you do a task or change from one to another.]The rest of your food you keep in your room at the base.
You slip on your shoes (9) but forget to tie them, and they come off as you walk over to shoulder your pack (2). You get the ahoes back on, and remember to tie them successfully (5).
Not a moment too soon (0) as you hear the sound of several members of the local scientific community creeping around in the gravel outside the house where you've stashed your goods.
To ignorant savages, mason jars, salt and candles are junk. The idea of planning ahead or saving food for winter has no meaning for them.
They will not understand.
They will be cold.
They will be hungry.
They will make a bonfire of your beautiful oak door.
>[If my 4th and 3rd add to 10 or less there will be 5 enemies, if more there will be 10] >[If my 3rd and 2nd add to 10 or less they'll have no flashlights, not attacking for another turn. If more they'll have spotted what room you're in, attacking this turn]>[if my 2nd and 1st add to 10 or less they'll move around alone, can be picked off quietly. If more they'll move in teams]You have 4 actions.
You can focus [+1], put on belt [easier weapon change, no drop], load cart, lay a fishing line trip wire [incapacitate], hide (+2 calamity), Ambush [no alert kill], Garrot wire enemy (only works on single enemies), lock doors [delay advance], sneak away, distract enemies [+1 calamity], or your idea.
[You still have a +2 to melee killing due to your aggressive near sighted trait.]
[5th-2nd] 1-5p, 6-0f
[Calamity] 1-4p, 6-0f