>>6140226Going through the forums and deliberating about it, I think that the best way I would do it is that you’d have hardpoints exclusive to weapons if you decided to downgrade a Linked weapon.
>Doyalist - prevents players from metagaming too hard by stripping weapons to front load ship upgrades. >Watsonian - using hardpoints intended for weapons to mount additional ship systems would cause a severe strain on the reactor at critical moments. Not that this doesn’t mean you can use FFG’s provided “timeless” HP to mount either weapons or systems. Just that changing any “stock” weapons means that you have to replace them with other weapons. For an example, you can’t rip the Medium Laser Cannons (Linked 3) off an X-Wing for a cloaking system or whatever upgrade, but you can replace it with a Medium Ion Cannon (Linked 3) without any additional HP cost.
I’m mobileposting, so the napkin thoughts may not be as concise as I’d like.