>>6169346Select your village:
1. Elderthorn
+10% Knowledge (deep-rooted wisdom and libraries)
-10% Materials (difficult terrain hampers resource gathering)
2. Silvergrove
+10% Silver (rich deposits of silver)
-10% Food Production (reliant on trade for food)
3. Flamepeak
+10% Materials (rich in metals and ores)
-10% Population (harsh environment leads to a declining population)
4. Crystalvale
+10% Mana (abundant mystical resources)
-10% Population (isolation causes a lack of growth)
5. Moonshade
+10% Food Production (fertile land and efficient farming)
-10% Knowledge (limited access to education and scholars)
6. Starfall
+10% Knowledge (influence from scholars and mystics)
-10% Silver (lack of valuable mining resources)
7. Ashenhold
+10% Materials (abundant stone and timber)
-10% Mana (poor magical resources)
8. Wildbloom
+10% Resources (abundant flora for crafting)
-10% Population (difficult to maintain a stable community)
9. Stormwatch
+10% Materials (natural fortifications and abundant stone)
-10% Food Production (weather instability affects crops)
10. Brightwood
+10% Knowledge (close ties to natural scholars and druids)
-10% Materials (low access to mining resources)
11. Frostmere
+10% Mana (strong magical energy from frozen lakes)
-10% Food Production (extreme cold limits farming)
12. Redstone
+10% Materials (rich in stone and iron deposits)
-10% Population (harsh conditions limit the ability to grow)
13. Dewhaven
+10% Resources (abundant natural resources like herbs and textiles)
-10% Silver (lack of access to precious metals)
14. Ashgrove
+10% Food Production (productive farms and pastures)
-10% Mana (magically barren landscape)
15. Stonehelm
+10% Materials (rich quarries and stone supply)
-10% Population (difficult living conditions in highland caves)
16. Wispfall
+10% Knowledge (concentration of magical scholars and researchers)
-10% Silver (low access to precious ores)
17. Thornwatch
+10% Resources (abundant plant and animal life for crafting)
-10% Population (predators and dangers limit settlement size)
18. Skyvale
+10% Knowledge (ancient knowledge preserved in the mountain peaks)
-10% Food Production (poor soil limits agricultural output)
19. Silverthorn
+10% Silver (silver mining operations thrive)
-10% Mana (difficult magical environment)
20. Leafdawn
+10% Resources (rich forests for crafting materials)
-10% Population (constant migration limits community growth)