>>5431152“GRROOOAAAAR!” you bellow in response, slamming a fist against your chest. Soba sees your challenge and his glowing eyes narrow, recognizing you from your armor and dashing towards you. You kick off the ground back towards him, your massive bodies shrinking the distance rapidly. He swings with a powerful right, but you dodge clockwise <span class="mu-i">around</span> his fist with the Su Ma technique. You see his eyes widen in shock, clearly not expecting you to still be in control of yourself. Before he can recover from his miss you snarl, firing off a short left uppercut into his floating ribs. Soba winces at this, curling up a bit around the hit as you twist your upper body counterclockwise while firing off a devastating right square into his face. “RRRAAAAA!!”
“Gyuah!” he cries out, your punch knocking his massive body off balance and sending him tumbling down to the ground. As he slides across the ground on his back, destroying more than a dozen of the stone pillars that barely slow him down as you leap up into the air. As he stops you drop down, swinging both fists laced together directly for his head.
“HAAAAAA!!” you roar, but right as you swing he rolls out of the way. Narrowly avoiding you landing on him and smashing his head in. He rolls over onto his hands and feet, kicking off the ground as you turn to follow him. But you won't let him escape, quickly gathering your ki into your mouth then firing a massive beam at him. He raises his right hand to his forehead, vanishing just as your attack would've hit and reappearing to your right. You try and stop the attack, but he moves too quickly and catches you full in the chest with a turning right kick. His attack staggers you, but you manage to keep your feet after three or four steps and drop back into your fighting stance. He retakes his as well, the two of you staring each other down.
But then you get another vision. For a second you see yourself, back in your normal size with his giant foot stamping down towards you. Then you return to the present, wondering how that happened, when suddenly you feel an unexpectedly sharp pain at the base of your tail!
“GAH-!?” you shout in surprise, turning to look over your shoulder to see a terrible sight. Towa and Trunks are behind you, the demoness having clearly dodged Trunks' sword swing. And without the demon there to block his blade, the attack instead severs your tail! Your powerlevel begins plummeting as your giant tail crashes to the ground, the world seemingly growing larger as you begin shrinking. “D-DAMMIT! TRUNKS YOU BASTARD!!”