Rolled 4 + 2 (1d10 + 2)
>>5991245"Look, look, there I am!"
Sitting up a bit too quickly caused Wizard's headache to come back with a vengeance. The TV on the floor of his Snake River bungalow living room didn't get the best reception—faulty antenna, perhaps—, but, there he was, clearly recognizable in the grainy footage. The Wizard on the TV had a dazed, vacant look in his eyes as he stared up into what he now knew to be the camera of a news helicopter and not, in fact, a UFO that the feds had flown all the way from Area 51 so they could nab him on twentysomething counts of wire fraud. Yeah, the blood-encrusted bandage made him look decidedly uncool and very much worse for wear. Yes, the look on his face was all sorts of gormless. Indeed, he was maybe second-to-last of the crew to be shown on the news and was only described as "an unknown male, mid twenties, slight build, heavy slouch". But, still, he was on *the* news.
Despite his excited pointing, the small group of wannabe hackers and phreakers he'd gathered around him and let crash in his bungalow did not appear enthused. Casey and Lil were playing Sorcery, Kei was reading some manga that Mizuchi had lent him, and Em was occupied with Donkey Kong on her Game & Watch. Just as they had been for the past week. The only difference was that the tower of pizza boxes in the corner of the room had doubled in height. Not one of them was even quarter of the way through the K&R C book, a half-assembled black box on the coffee table was coated with dust, and the telephone company manuals he'd fished out of dumpsters sat untouched. Wizard stood up and turned off the TV.
Right, that was quite enough laying about. He'd had quite enough of the falling action in the aftermath of the safehouse raid and it was time to get back to work. Starting with these four layabouts.
Good to be back, Raven.
>Increase Weird>Send Script Kiddies to do some Phreaking (+2 Sharp)Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: SMG (5/20)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (6/6)
Cash: $360,485
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1 Speed, +1 Handling, Speed reroll 1/1, Handling reroll 1/1), Sorcery TCG
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
[advantage on next race]
HP: 7/7
Edge: 10/10
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 6
Wanted: 3