>>6089694Since "Ship fall", the D-team commander's had been in a state of semi autonomy. The loss of communications from the marauding teams "BETA" and "WOLVES" and been a blow to ongoing distraction efforts, culminating in an escalation of burden towards the remaining teams. Today the operative "B.Dragon" would attempt to earn a new high score, and unintentionally draw attention away from the overburden teams as they attempted to fully control the colony exterior.
https://youtu.be/x5EAqBH1AFw <Industrial Darksynth Playlist - Weaponization // white bat audio>
There were targets everywhere, the reality of them was less important than keeping the COMBO going. Burst of LMG fire emitted seemingly at random to an outside observer, the cadence and objective known only to BD. Between here and there the number had climbed to 10. High speed snatch and grabs from void frozen corpses allowed for resupply when ammo threatened to dwindle too low, the rollerblades complimenting the dramatically reduced gravity and allowing for some truly excellent skate tricks....somewhere in the distance was an environmentally sealed warehouse, inside it were many target markers. The fruit of early comms network infiltration.
A wall. A lack of doorway. A perturbance. Mechanical limbs hoisted the weapons as the LMG's burned through ammo in a self aggrandizing, near masturbatory display of waste and firepower. Two points of orange glowed in the relative dark, overheated barrels. Still ammo on the counter. Still violence to be done. B.D. Slammed into the weakened wall skates first, shattering the injured wall segment. Explosive decompression is what happened next, flinging B.D. back the way he came, along with all the atmosphere inside the warehouse, and handful of unlucky peacekeepers. One managed to tag the operative a few times with a machine pistol as he spun helpless, gagging for air that wouldn't come. Bad luck that. The armored coat managed to take the brunt of the hits but left a few bruises. LMG fire ended the man's life, the slowly falling corpse accompanied by it's own rain of gore.
From the outside of the warhouse, sporadic flashes could be seen for the next few minutes as B.D. raised his kill counter. Ammo was low, the sword was sharp. A few isolated vehicles were targeted for what may have been survivors, or just a joyous expression of ammo expenditure before the LMG's were ejected, and the mechanical arms attached to the wrists of B.D. acting as a strength enhancer.
He wouldn't be coming home. That fate was sealed. But he had already earned his next respawn.
>Secure a vehicle. Rampage.or
>Intercept the PeaceKeeper phalanx with Halberd Intergalactic. 100% suicide mission.or
>Recover the AKSG AI core while everyone is distracted.or
>Scout out AKSG modules. pick one.-B.A.T. renlistment foundry.
-BioWeapon bulk storage container.
-D-troop genegineering tubes.
(Pictured is one option for Halberd Intergalactic's attempt to barter.)