>>5163715Ah that is interesting. But did any of the playerbase complain? Or any seething lol. Because I do make mistakes (in my quest, I let players defeat and kill the dungeonmaster of the world... by pointing out any of my mistakes. See here)
>>5137779The problem is sometimes the player complaints are valid and sometimes they may not be... it may depend on how turboautistic I become or feel lol. I hope I am not one of those dungeonmasters that tries to endlessly kill the players haha you opened a door, instant spike trap you are dead etc. (I played OSR, I know how it feels) In fact I make it a valid choice in my games to take no weapons at all... For every dangerous section I always strongly foreshadow or hint as to signs of threat etc. There is generally the choice to just talk or run or even do nothing, wait and observe.
When I am hinting or trying and failing to steer players towards an area I am doing so to avoid the amounts of gruesome death and psychological failure that is lying in wait... but you could ask why I put them there in the first place though.
Maybe the world should be comfy and filled with more flowers and sunshine?
Also, in response to
>>5163638I added some attempts at thread summaries lol.
Basically the main story thread is this
>>5121867end sequence here
>>5129341The combat mode is this (a lot of dice rolling and rules reconfiguring here)
>>5131605end sequence here
>>5139539It eventually continues here on a separate thread
>>5152733Not sure if the summary helps though, it is still too long and a bit of a mess.