>>5559145As you attempt to stagger back to your feet as you hear footsteps slapping deck plates, rapidly approaching from behind. Gaining your balance, you turn to receive your out of breath Science Officer and the WEAVER drone floating leisurely beside her.
“Lieutenant Eyes-of-Night, WEAVY, good of you to join us.” You smirk slightly, as the disgruntled Tyllano woman holds up a finger before recovering enough to reply.
“Lieutenant Commander Annon, you better have a good explanation as to why you left me for dead with the rest of the rabble up on the bridge!” She finally huffs, planting her hands on her hips and raising herself to her full height. The effect isn't very imposing considering she is a head shorter than you but you note that WEAVY lowers his hover slightly to make her seem taller by comparison at least.
You wince slightly and solemnly reply, “It’s Acting Captain right now actually.” the owl-like woman deflates slightly and begins to murmur consolingly.
“Like I said over the comm,” you press on, “we have a bit of a situation.” You gesture towards the still empty maw of the boarding craft protruding from the bulkheads above and behind you. “I’m actually a little concerned for our breaching team, they’ve been in there for a while now and I’ve not heard anything.”
“Well no news is good news, they’re barely 20 metres away. If you haven't heard anything than there’s surely nothing to hear.” She turns to look around the bay somewhat distractedly, “Now if none of the others patched up by this floating tin can are around I’d best start by getting those repair nanites out of your system…before your bones begin to rot from the inside.” She seems grimly satisfied with her prognosis which does little to reassure you as she wields a handheld med-scanner in your direction. “Now stay still and let me take a look at you.” The device lights up and you watch as Eon concentrates on a projected holo-screen. You can tell by the red and orange that your recent ordeals have not left you unscathed.
“It is as I feared, we have little time before the damage becomes permanent.” Her translator makes the I-told-you-so tone clear despite her polite words and you can’t help but think your Sci Officer is enjoying this.
“But if the situation is so dire,” you realise abruptly, “surely Kiro and La’afette are in danger as well!” You turn to look at where your crew disappeared and your eyes slip vainly over the entrance to the vessel, unable to perceive past that point.
What will you do?
>Allow your Science officer to extract the dangerous nanites from your system and patch you up now. The other crew can wait.>Send Eon in after Kiro and Coen to make sure they aren’t in even more imminent danger than yourself. >Attempt to recall the breaching team.>Escort Eon into the boarding craft so that she can administer whatever treatment is required to all of you at the same time. Despite the strangeness you’re experiencing with the vessel.>Something else. Write in.