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Menelaus calls a conference amongst the nobility about how to proceed - Ajax volunteers himself to guard the galleys and take command of the crews; Menelaus, ever ready for feasting, declares that he will personally entreat King Perileos for an escort to Chios. Surprisingly, Palamedes declares his interest to travel along with Menelaus to the palace - not the typical action for the reedy Nauplian prince. As for yourself, you consider your options:
>Travel with Menelaus, Odysseus, and Palamedes to the palace of King Perileos. As a musclebound giant, you will be dismissed as a thug to be ignored, but a chance to listen to the discourse of kings should never be missed!
>Stay amongst the boats with Ajax and Pollux – boring as it may be, protection of these vessels is paramount to your mission’s success.
>Join Castor and Teukros as they enter the city of Samos – they proclaim their interest in seeing the city proper, and perhaps finding some entertainment after several long boring days at sea. As for you - perhaps you could find a bronzeworker who might make something of your Lebinthian eagle trophies?
>Something else?