>>5568009>>5568126You decided to stay finally at the inn, if your lady stayed you had to be with her to protect her after all and with Ancel at your door you should be able to stop cagots from stealing your money.
You then decided to relax during a pleasant evening. You asked of course to give the best room to Lady Takable, but you learned that it was occupied by one of the two gentlemen dressed like they were hunting. They introduced themselves as knights from Bofuria who came here to hunt aurochs and quickly offered one of their rooms to the lady, as gallantry demanded. It seemed to be the realm of where the young Isnott was studying in his university. They had an accent from Anjou and seemed to drink as well as the Angevin that you met, you wondered if their women were just as lustful. You imagined a whole kingdom of Angevin people and you quickly realised that it existed, well, at least a kingdom run by angevins : it was the Plantagenet empire, or what stayed of it so the kingdom of England and it was probably the closest thing in our normally right and proper feudal society that could be called to be evil. But who were to blame ? The Angevin and Norman noblemen or the English masses ? Probably both of them, a good Englishman was a dead Englishman in your opinion, you had fought them too much to like them.
Fortunately the two men were sympathetic and when you learned that Bifurians and Bofurians were brotherly people and that what Bofuria lacked in aurochs it made up in wineyards you considered them sympathetic ! For too long you were deprived of good wine and good climate to grow gorgeous grapes that will make delicious vintages for your feasts. You quickly decided to command wine to celebrate the occasion and invited the two knights, who now were relevant enough for you to remember their names, to a hunt in exchange of a barrel of their local production. The tallest one who was broad shouldered with a black beard was called Sir Ren the Loud and the other one, more thin, blond haired and blue eyed with an always smiling face was Sir Vice the kind.
Glass of wine after glass of wine you all introduced yourselves, everybody shared stories, you talked about the time when you rode against the count of Bar and put it's men at arms to flee, the two knights, who never knew war, seemed impressed and praised your deeds. When, late in the evening lady Takable accepted to play the harp while singing with her handmaiden, and you basked in their angelic voices while Godefroi and sir Ren the Loud were quietly armwrestling after a wager the loud knight from Bofuria proclaimed after his loss.
-Bah ! You are strong people and fine knights, brave men of Bifuria, but I cannot understand how can such a brave people can be ruled by a fen witch and her pointy heared lackeys ! By the heavens we are a human empire not some forest colony ! Bring me more wine servant...