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Taking stock over the empire, you decide now may be a good time to cash that banked <span class="mu-i">Azurium</span>.
Several possible projects come to mind- all of them with benefits and drawbacks. But you only have one steady source of Azurium, and can only order one for now.
The Nan system is a perfect place to set up a large industrial base. While it has no habitable planets or moons with which to support a large civilian population, the system is home to two gas giants for fuel, and has plenty of asteroids and other metals. You could order the construction of a <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">large scale shipyard</span></span> and industrial space factory- this would industrialize your ship building and make a much larger fleet possible. It may even be required in the future depending on how large your ships get! Plus, any extra defense in such a strategically relevant system is good, given its gas giants.
The second use for the Azurium may be modernized your space fleet with <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">Azurium armor plating</span></span>. You have enough to begin including the alloy into your normal ship construction- making your ships much more powerful.
The third is to dig up an old potential research project from the reign of Agori Falathane- the Arcology project. Massive civilian habitation buildings like this could be climate controlled and given life support- thus allowing for large scale habitation on alien worlds and supporting your ever growing population. With newly colonized habitable planets- most Jaxtians can actually settle on rural land miles away from anyone else if they so choose- making this a low priority. However, Arcologies will be built with Azurium supports, thus making them an ideal structure to bunker down in in event of alien invasion or, worst case scenario, nuclear weapon strikes.
Which of these uses of Azurium are most interesting to you, Supreme One?
>Nan Spaceyards
>Azurium Armor
>Arcology project revival