>>6011312>>6011313>>6011314>>6011317>>6011325>>6011333>>6011838>>6011939>>6012204>>6013556You begin to look around Ralph's apartment. Man, either Ralph didn't have very many things, or these criminals were super thorough. You can only find a lone pillow surrounded by a few objects in one of the rooms. You guess this is where he sleeps...
The objects include a knife, a syringe, a packet of... something, a self-help magazine, and a restraining order from... someone. Who would have a restraining order against Ralph? It's from someone named... Martha Lobon.
You really didn't know things were this bleak. You think about maybe finding a drug patch or something. That could help him.
You give Lily a call and tell her about Ralph's situation.
"Shit... poor guy, hope things can work out... Even if he can't practice, we still have a bit of time if you're still down. I know you wanted to get him involved, but it sounds like he might be a little unavailable... But then again, in this current state, I don't know if leaving him alone is the safest option... What do you think? It's up to you."
>Practice with Lily>Make sure Ralph is safe