>>5866047“Your request has been processed and approved. The Jaguar-class destroyer CHOCOLATE RAIN will now be assigned to Task Force 23-A of the Second Fleet for the duration of 1 (ONE) YEAR, effectively immediately upon transmission of your cryptokey. The details of this assignment are non-negotiable.” Isn't the Second Fleet currently posted directly opposite Kaskandir Line? You check and indeed it is, right where the light would pass as it flies from the heart of the Restored Qyngur Empire to that of the Liteian Directorate. You put your stamp on the contract and pray that the current uneasy detente would last for at least another year. Surely those insects would not be so foolish as to start another offensive so soon after the abortive siege of Fort Armitage a few months ago. The only consolation was the decent premium.
As he has promised, right on time, the shortwave radio dish on the Yushi points your way, “Apologies, but we have our own commitments. Until we meet again, good luck and long burn. Ienaga, over and out." A shame, really, but understandable. Not many captains want to work with turncoats if they can help it. Before you two part way, Moynihan and Ienaga's comms officers finalise mutual emergency protocols, allowing either of you to piggy-back requests for help on Qyngur communications infrastructure. Most likely, it would only work once before their system administrators detect the intrusion, but better that than never.
Only after the Yushi and Shishi had warped out of system did you realise you forgot to ask what Ienaga knew of your late father. More motivation to stay alive until your next meeting, then.