You are beginning to free your mind from the Oration, from the Pathless Labyrinth itself. You think back to the Elders of another world - had you followed their instruction, the inevitable end was Death. And you realise Kospel has a command over The World with his thoughts - similar to you. But he is not infallible. Did you not see a Handsome Trenchcoat Man speaking to Scarlett earlier? How did he suddenly turn into a vagrant, a beggar?
>>5136367(QM: And there are so many more besides...)
>>5134650 (for example, many others, as you correctly guessed)Far away in the distant night, when you realise that by merely thinking in a certain way, you can change the world, there is the sound of a forehead smashing against a monitor. There is broken glass and streams of tears. You do not see this, but somehow you know it is true. You have blown his mind apart.
Perhaps this is The Empty Way. To take nothing from the world, but to change it only with the right thoughts, at the right time... To walk the Pathless Labyrinth, with very little at all...
(Kospel has lost The Protection of The Oration, ie Kospel has been cancelled)
(QM cries twin waterfalls of tears, all of his world and creation has been ruined)