[UNSTABLE] "look i didn't expect this either the fuck you want from me." You whisper at Alexis
"fair enough." Alexis whispers back.
The next few hours are interlaced with Benjamin and Max chattering to each other about inane shit while Casey keeps staring out of the train window. You and Alexis entertain each other by checking through your equipment to make sure everything is how it should be.
Another hour later, totaling up to four, your train finally arrives at the outskirts of W-PHI-5. Looking outside the window, you're right outside of a small town in the middle of a massive mountain range. You've never quite seen mountains like these before, most of your exploration is in urban settings like abandoned buildings, sewage systems, abandoned facilities, that one building in...
Your mind evades you there. Hm.
The town itself is tiny, really. Probably only has ten or so buildings made out of shoddy scrap metal, faux wood, and low grade plastic scattered around the place. It's clear this place used to be something bigger but it's fallen to disrepair over the ages.
A rusted metal sign with a "W" wrapped in barbed wire carved at the bottom stands at the front of the town.
<span class="mu-s">ABGRUND</span>
<span class="mu-s">POP: 23</span>
The thing that captures your attention, aside from the fact this shitty town still has a train station running in and out of it, is a crowd of about fifteen people all standing outside the front of the town.
The five of you step outside of the train to get a better look at what's going on here. Considering this town apparently only has 23 people, FIFTEEN people being here must be something important. It doesn't take long for your group to approach the crowd.
A group consisting of two men and one woman stands before a crowd of five old, grizzled miners and seven random citizens of this long forgotten town. It's clear that there's some sort of standoff going on down here.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMGqXyFhCYk - THE THREE FAMILIES.
[PERSON OF INTEREST] You shouldn't be here.
[UNSTABLE] On a primal, subconscious level, you know who these three are are. And you're SCARED of them.
The beeping of Max's implant detector radar is going a mile a minute as you approach them. A warning siren. They're not just any members of a rich family. All of your allies immediately back up upon seeing them.
[CORPORATE INSIDER] <span class="mu-r">"Fuck. Those are Alphabet Company Administrators."</span> Alexis clenches her teeth as sweat begins to drip down her face. "Only five ranks below the CEOS of the Alphabet Companies themselves."
[CORPORATE V.I.P] "W-wait, that's my dad." Max begins to shake with such intense and overwhelming fear, you swear she was going to shatter into pieces at any second now. <<span class="mu-b">"FUCK, FUCK, WHY NOW WHY NOW NOT WITH THEM NOT WITH THEM-"</span>>
Casey begins to drool upon hearing how important they are. "Ah...the truest examples of productivity!"