>>5678586>>5678576>>5678408>>5678402>>5678401>>5678374>>5678365In the end, you decide not to act. The Throat-singer is a subversive, yes, but not a rebel. With the Copper Dragonborn away, ALL the lieutenants are jockeying for power. It is the way of things: those with the will to power will SEEK power. In encouraging ambition among even his lowliest subordinates, the Dragonborn has increased the number of seekers… But in binding them with threads of faith and community, and giving them a common enemy to fight against in his absence, he has kept them focused on OUTDOING one another in that war… Rather than warring on each other.
You have to wonder… Did he intend this?
The Dragonborn has styled himself some sort of Antipaladin and Dark Prophet, even a KING… But how intricate are his machinations? How powerful is his will? How grand are his ambitions?
…Is HE a subversive?
Is the DRAGONBORN ANTIPALADIN a rebel? Surely it cannot be so.
And yet…
You shake your head and hiss in irritation at yourself. No, the Dragonborn Project is a product of the priestly caste. If he has engineered this rudimentary society here to contain and constrain itself, it is the Holy Ones who TRULY pull those strings, on behalf of the Dark Gods. It is obvious, when you think about it! No wonder the schemes seem so serpentine, executed in shadows by Serpent Priests. Ha! One such as you should recognize their signature work by now. You will observe, and see how their manipulations play out.
It does make you wonder, though… If there WAS a schism, which side would you fall on? Would you defy the Master Race AGAIN, in service to that race’s self-proclaimed Champion? You touch the mask upon your face, which that same Dragonborn Champion gifted you to cover the scarification which the Serpent Priests inflicted, and you fall into silent contemplation.