>>5653522“…Or you’re demon-chow,” Iri continues, metamorphosing Heinrich Yosef’s teeth into a gnashing, crocodilian grin. “Your call, Princey-Poo: door number one, or door number two~”
Prince Rufos hesitates a moment, the blade shaking in his hand. His grip loosens. He’s going to give in, to drop it. He’s terrified beyond belief—Irinnile can taste it, and it’s making her metaphorical mouth fucking WATER…
But then he does something unexpected. He doesn’t lunge forward, but twirls the balde around to point it at himself.
“Otillia,” he says, speaking the name of his wife, “forgive me.”
Iri raises Ricky’s eyebrows in surprise. Fucker’s gonna’ stick HIMSELF? Well… That WOULD take care of things. And… Hey, waitta’ minute, if ALEXOS is dead, and RUFOS is dead…
Shit, would that make Pretty Princess Kitty Kat the heir-a-fuckin-pparent? It would, right?
Does she let him commit suicide?