Isonomy Patrol Frigate
- In Sextans sector 77
As you approach an alleyway ahead, you receive a sudden relayed message from Lars Lothbrok, the Expeditionary Reconnaissance Force Leader...
>>5823421- ... is this on, ja? (Lars appears as an enormous chin) How about now, ja? (he raises the camera to a cavernous nostril. The entire screen is a giant nostril, with what you suspect is immaculately trimmed and scented nose hair) Ja this is the Lars, mine vriend! We speak of the Lars he wish you well! Ja, the Lars arrive near this, how you say, skeppsraet, ja, the Lars see big problem. (You think whenever Lars references himself, he actually alludes to his combat recon team) What? (The Lars is briefly speaking to someone off the screen. The giant nostril dims for a moment, as if a hand covers the camera) What - what? Switch to hologram mode? Ja, the Lars not so good with the camera, the Lars more on the other side, ja? Sometimes the Lars relive the old days, the Lars use the, how you say, the gun camera? Like photoshoot, ja? Aim at the face for the thermal imaging? It takes a good picture ja, but is dangerous. But yes the problem. Well the Lars cannot find this skeppsraet, no ship no megastructure, nothing. Instead the Lars find Isonomy ship, many many guns. The Lars negotiate with them now, they are not blockading, but they just sit there. The Lars think maybe they are too searching, search for the skeppsraet, ja. But do not worry, mine vriend! The Lars knows a few or so in the Isonomy, from the days back when (you cannot see anything that is happening, but there is the imitation of the high-pitched shriek of an incoming heatseeking warhead, followed by the thudding of raking gunfire as burbled by someone making bizarre mouth noises) ... ja. So sit tight, it is already done, the Lars is doing it! Ok the Lars switch it off now. It is off now ja? How about now? Ok now? ja? what about -
>um... Lars... back before you joined the Expeditionary Reconnaissance Force... were you a "fashion" model? Or some other sort of, um, model? This girl here had some strange pictures... (QM: this is a prerecorded message. There won't be an immediate reply)>try and send back to Lars some new orders or rules of engagement. He will receive the communication with a delay in his star system.>something else...? Is there some way of detecting or finding the lost starship?