>>5878799“Do you think you’ll stay for some of them?” Nakiasha asks, twirling her blonde hair with one finger and (with blatant eagerness, poorly-hidden) awaiting your answer.
“Oh,” you say with some thought, “I don’t know… Maybe. Though I’d need someone to show me how the dances are done.”
“I could do that,” Meorue interrupts, squeezing in between the two of you. “Mother and Father have taught me ALL the dances. I often lead the processions, and I ever performed the MAIN role at the Dance of Summer’s Bloom last year!”
“We all remember,” Sylvare laughs, poking Meorue in the side and making her flinch, and then turns her eyes to you. “Seems to me you were dancing just fine at the party after you scared off those Unseelie Fey. Maybe YOU could teach me—us, US—some of YOUR moves?”
“That could be nice,” Nakiasha admits, completely missing Sylvare’s salacious implication. “I’m… Not the BEST dancer, if I’m being honest.”
“And you always are,” Sylvare teases her (or perhaps warns you). “You can’t keep a, ah, SECRET for the life of you.”
“Oh please,” Meorue huffs with a roll of her eyes, crossing her arms beneath her chest.
Nakiasha laughs self-effacingly, though she’s obviously still a little confused by what exactly is being implied. You, having roomed next to a randy goblin-girl for a little over a year, are not quite so naïve… And you’re grateful that your mother has engaged the chaperoning Elder in distracting conversation.
As much as a part of your heart still lies in Hawksong, with Izzy, things with her have become so… Heavy. So complicated. And Costella… Well, you can still remember her lips on yours, her voluptuous body’s press, but beginning a relationship with a woman who you are spiritually bound to—and who is bound to Izzy!—makes the whole thing just so… So WEIRD! How much of what you feel for either of those women is actually your own heart, your own soul, and how much of it is a side-effect of the hastily-performed rite which transformed you?