Rolled 90 (1d100)
>>5413157>>5413201>>5413211>>5413213>>5413239>>5413315>>5413352>Alone on a shattered peak, a Lump Grazer inches forward in search of sustenance. It is in the throes of hunger so total it can’t afford the calories for a fully cartilaginous exterior, but it hasn’t encountered another life-form since its malnourished parent divided and it abandoned its incomplete sibling to fend for itself. Nearby, an anemic Growth Lump has attached to an outcropping. In moments, the Lump Grazer will consume its first meal in sixty hours, enough to endure a little while longer. For it, the struggle for survival is futile but the Lump Grazer persists, not because it must, but because, the sun and ice and ash and lead be damned, it can.You choose to evolve a more efficient stomach, to maximize the Flounder Feeder’s sparse food intake and endure the centuries long starving times. There is no escape and it is not a question of if any species will go extinct, but how many. In this time of scarcity, the Flounder Feeder's blubber gives it a critical edge. Only the fates will know if it is enough.
>Roll 12d100s. The first three for the Flounder Feeder’s evolution, ambient radiation, and biodiversity in that order, and the remaining nine for the Growth Lumps, Growth Strands, Stone Moss, Lump Grazers, Latchers, Flesh Gnawers, Curve-Tail Diggers, Shufflers, and Ripple Trackers, respectively.