>>5822820You go to revive Gary, but the judge yells at you that no Godly magic is allowed in the court.
Your lawyer stands up, having really no idea what to do. He does the first thing he can think of and sticks his hand into the neck hole of Gary's head and uses him like a puppet.
He speaks in a high-pitched sing-song voice.
"Hi! I'm Gary! I was killed in an illegal drug dispute gone wrong! And who was also involved in that? Johnny Johnson, of course! You see, Johnny Johnson LOVES giving money to The Priestian Church! He could even be described as an Mpire apologist! And we all know the Mpire is baaaad! So he must be... uh... BAAAAD too!"
You get to make one more statement before it's Johnny's turn.
>Wanted poster>Empty bottles>Johnny Johnson possibly Priestian>Betters family>Johnson former doctor>Johnson former politician>David Betters death>Donations to Priestian church>Money trail>Moonshine>Money>Gary>Jeffery>Johnny's statementAre you ready?
>Skip the rest of your turn>Make your case